We aim to provide our customers a seamless offering across payments, financing, mobility solutions, and load and dispatch. We have an embedded methodical approach to ESG and reflect our values in everything we do.


Growing in a sustainable manner is at the heart of our values, and we aim to make commercial road transport clean, fair, and efficient. Our strategy places a strong emphasis on operating responsibly, being a leader in the industry, and helping transformation of the industry and broader society.

Our strategic pillars drive growth both organically and inorganically.

Following the significant progress we have made in both expanding our geographical footprint and our range of services in recent years, we are now entering a new phase in our journey. Our updated strategic framework enables enhanced focus on key strategic priorities in order to achieve our goal of delivering an integrated, end-to-end digital platform.

Investment case

Our purpose

To make commercial road transport clean, fair and efficient

Strategic pillars, customer outcomes and KPIs



Access all our services, anytime, anywhere

Total number of active trucks



Easy to get value quickly

Customer NPS



Combined services unlock entirely new value

No. of products per active truck



Smart operations for better everyday performance

% of subscription revenue

Enabled by

Digital transformation

Embed sustainability

Data-driven decisions

Capability focused organisation

Delivery on M&A strategy