At Eurowag, we understand that sustainability is at the heart of the transformation the CRT industry is going through, and we want to be part of leading that change. For me it’s simply about doing better business – better for our customers, better for our employees, and better for the environment and our wider stakeholders.
Eurowag values
Deliver your best
Be a true colleague
Embrace change
Be a good person

Sustainability Report
Download our latest sustainability report
You can view our sustainability progress over the years in previous Annual Report and Accounts.

eMobility services
We are revolutionising the CRT industry through our eMSP services, and are leading the way to decarbonisation as a service.
Read more about our eMobility initiatives.

Embedding sustainability across our business
Our commitment to make commercial road transport clean, fair and efficient has been our number one priority when shaping our sustainability journey.
Over the last three years, we have steadily matured our strategy and the breadth of our activities towards our long-term goals. 2023 has been another important stepping stone in our journey as we continue to grow our understanding of which products, services and integration activities deliver the most impact.
Where we are
In 2023, the focus has been on consolidating our position, implementing our strategy and delivering initiatives to meet our targets across all the relevant functions within the business. To maximise the value we can create, we are establishing an accountability process at Senior Leadership and Board level to ensure the success of our strategy. We now have a series of established programmes looking to make real impact in all pillars of our sustainability action plan.
Where we're going
In 2024, we will be ensuring that our efforts stay relevant and impactful. This will include enhancing our sustainable procurement process, updating our assessment of material impacts, risks and opportunities through a double materiality assessment, and realigning our GHG emissions reduction targets to reflect our progress and growth as a company.
Our road map to net zero
Sustainability action plan
In developing our sustainability action plan, we ran a materiality analysis to identify our most material ESG topics. Following this process, we categorized four areas of focus:
We are providing products and solutions to help customers make the transition to a lower carbon future.
No longer offer fossil fuel energy products by 2050
80,000 active alternatively fuelled commercial vehicles using Eurowag products and services by 2030 |
Through our products and services enhancing efficiencies we can directly contribute to the improvements of our customers' emission intensity.
20% carbon intensity reduction per tkm by 2030 (baseline year 2019) |
We are committed and on track to bring our direct emissions to net zero by 2040.
50% reduction in emissions from our own operations (by 2030 (baseline year 2019) on a market basis
Zero direct (Scope 1 & 2) GHG emissions by 2040 |
We are creating and constantly upgrading technological solutions that help our customers simplify their work and be more successful.
Through our diverse range of products and initiatives, we strive to foster a safe working environment and improve the wellbeing of truck drivers.
We aim to make a positive social impact in the communities where we operate, through charitable partnerships or volunteering involvement.
Philanthropy & You | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Employee participation | 81% | 84% | 79% |
Number of good causes supported | 246 | 227 | 275 |
Total allocated amount (€000) | 239 | 150 | 246 |
Number of countries | 14 | 14 | 14 |
We are committed to creating a workplace where everyone's uniqueness is not just accepted, but celebrated.
40% women in leadership roles by 2025 |
We make wellbeing, health and safety and engaging our employees a key priority.
Top 25% employee engagement score benchmarked against EU tech companies by 2025 |
We strive to uphold the highest ethical and responsible business and industry standards in our daily operations.
- Promoting sustainable supply chain practices and responsible procurement
- Operating ethically and with integrity, including anti-corruption and anti-bribery practices and standards
- Promoting transparency and regulatory compliance
- Upholding customer privacy and data security
The actions taken to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain can be found in our Modern Slavery Statement.
Case studies

Truck park energy reduction
2023 marked a significant renovation period, including at our Modletice truck park.
After almost two decades of continuous operations, the truck park underwent renovations, including the replacement of refrigerated display cases and refrigerators in both the store
and warehouse. Compared to the previous setup, the new configuration has reduced the overall energy consumption and emissions by over 20%, while maintaining performance and bringing down operational costs.

Diggit Gold Award in the User Experience category
The i.triglav mobile app, which Sygic co-developed with financial insurance leader Triglav, has won the Diggit Gold Award in the User Experience category. The application regularly evaluates driving scores, and drivers can benefit from a discount of up to 25% on their annual contracts. The scheme aims to change drivers’ behaviour over the long term, little by little. Each month, one must drive more than a certain number of kilometres safely in order to be rewarded with a discount.
The app evaluates driving style via key behaviour attributes behind the wheel, including speed, distraction, acceleration, braking and cornering and gives real-time driving feedback. With an overall score of at least 90 out of 100 points and at least 400 kilometres of monthly recorded trips, drivers can gain the highest reward for safer driving.

Ukraine support
Recognising the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, we have continued to provide support to people and communities affected by the war.
On top of individual employee support through the Philanthropy & You programme, Eurowag distributed over €25,000 to seven organisations providing support to Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. We supported charities with a direct humanitarian focus (Člověk v Ohrožení - People in Danger, SK) and those focused on the integration and support of asylum seekers (META, SK, and Kalyna, CZ) or educational and leisure-time engagement (the Hájovna Community Centre and Global Shapers, CZ). Together, the supported projects helped hundreds of families and asylum seekers affected by the ongoing crisis.
CSR initiatives
We aim to make a positive social impact in the communities where we operate. Each year, we enable our employees to give their time, skills and financial support to charitable organisations. Our community impact programme has three main elements: employee-led philanthropy, employee volunteering and corporate guided initiatives and charity partnerships.
Philanthropy & You
Our flagship employee-led programme Philanthropy & You was launched in 2017, with our partner Foundation Via, an independent foundation focused on community engagement and philanthropy. Together, we have developed a tailored web application to facilitate a unique, employee-led giving programme, which has subsequently served as a role model for corporate philanthropy in the Czech Republic. Every year, employees receive an equal amount of money to donate to a charity or non-profit of their choice through the online giving platform. Since the programme’s launch, we have expanded the project to cover all our geographies and to allow all employees to take part. In 2023, each employee was entitled to donate €235 from the Eurowag fund to a deserving cause of their choice and together we supported over 275 good causes across 14 countries.
One of Eurowag’s values is to “Be a good person”, and in 2023 we expanded the opportunity for employees to volunteer their working time and skills for a non-profit organisation, broadening from the Czech Republic to now encompass all markets. All employees are entitled to make use of one day for volunteering purposes, including through our partner platform Business For Society. In 2023, our employees took part in all kinds of activities, ranging from assisting seniors in a museum visit, to collecting food for and assisting in a dog shelter.
Support for Truck HELP Foundation
As a leading payments and mobility platform company, we recognise the importance of road safety. Through the Truck HELP Foundation, we support families who have lost loved ones during their work as professional drivers and, in 2023, we donated €10,000 to the charity, allowing for much-needed funding of core initiatives, including a Christmas meet-up for the families, special awards for well-performing children at school, and a summer holiday for affected families.
Process validation
We actively monitor our Carbon Disclosure Project Climate Change Score as a key metric to track our progress.