April 14, 2022


PYMNTS.com: data-rich, tech-based solutions drive growth in EU commercial transport industry

Eurowag’s Magdalena Bartoś and Tomáš Novotný tell PYMNTS that SME clients operating in the heavily regulated commercial road transportation (CRT) sector in Europe struggle to stay on top of regulation and ensure effective fleet management – needs that the Czech mobility payments firm is helping to meet with data-rich, technology-based solutions.

When it comes to challenges stemming from operating across the highly fragmented European Union (EU) market, no sector is spared.

Transportation companies, for example, can find it challenging to keep up with the many rules specific to the heavily regulated commercial road transportation (CRT) sector in the region.

These include toll charging systems and driver posting rules — how much time they can spend on the road or the mandatory requirements for resting periods — all of which are further complicated by the differences in regulations applied from one country to the other.

It’s this compliance hurdle that the Czech Republic-based firm Eurowag is trying to remedy with its payments and mobility platform, connecting its customers — trucking companies in the CRT industry and their drivers — with toll and energy providers, regulators and shippers and financial services providers.

Full article is available here.